Single Action Shooting Tips – Lever Action Rifle

Single Action Shooting, or Cowboy Shooting, is a fun shooting sport. Still, like any sport, it would give you more pleasure if you can improve your current shooting skills and accuracy.

Needless to say, shooting speed and accuracy is important in this sport. That’s why you need to hone your speed and accuracy with constant training. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have any fun. One of the pitfalls of many single action shooters is the fact that they try too hard. They constantly train and do well during practice, but because they feel too pressured to do well during an event, they fail to do so.

To get that winning edge, here is a valuable Single Action Shooting Tip when using a Lever Action Rifle in a SAS event:

Don’t Lower Your Lever Action Rifle

Many shooters take their rifle off their shoulder in between shots. This is probably the most time consuming mistake that you could make at an event.

Lowering your rifle from your shoulder requires you to put your firearm out of position as you load, and back into position to shoot. This hinders you from easily acquiring your next target. Keep your rifle or carbine on your shoulder as you operate the lever while engaging rifle targets. Once you are able to master this, you can significantly shave off time from your usual total because you are no longer wasting time lowering and replacing your rifle back on your shoulder.